Jul 22, 2009

[tut] How to download lyrics Mp3 to local or our PC

May be all of you know about plugin Mini Lyrics

With this plugin our song (Mp3) which is we played will be showing their lyric and of course that lyric will be saving to our local disk or HDD

It is my little idea, how to showing that lyric and can fast downloading, so we can collecting that lyric to our local disk or HDD

You only need this:

- all Mp3 must entering to winamp playlist which is will be to downloading that lyrics

- install minilyric and cpnfigure that setting like : auto download, and saving to local dirrectory which we want

- Install Gen_intro and than configure to 5-8 second, so that song only playing 5-8 second. So that lyric will automatically downloading to our local disk and can moving to played next song

- Leave Winamp to work and download all the lyrics which already in the playlist

tested ± 4000 lyric downloading after 2 days bussiness work time

Thx and have nice try

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